Ash News
In case you missed our events at HLTH 2023
Ash Team
Ash Wellness attended HLTH 2023 in Las Vegas, where we met with other healthtech companies and thought leaders. Thanks to everyone who visited our booth, stopped to hear our newsroom announcement, and chatted with us at the “Test Your Luck” cabana at the Innovator’s Reception! Our team wanted to give a short recap of events for those we may have missed us last week.
Newsroom Announcement
CEO David Stein presented data from our one year partnership with the Fulton County Board of Health on the newsroom stage. The partnership was established in June 2022 to make sexual wellness testing and prevention services more accessible and inclusive for the Atlanta region. The data revealed a significant sample size of 1,673 program participants. In the first year, the FCBOH found that 40% of patients tested had not been tested for STIs the year prior, and 20% of patients had not been tested for HIV in the same period (these percentages have increased as the program extended into the second year).
Stein also revealed data from the limited time multi-tier incentive program, which used patient notifications and gift card offers to generate a 72% increase in kit registrations. “Focused patient engagement leads to significantly higher completion rates and better population data,” says Stein. The announcement also drew attention to the lack of billable CPT codes for at-home diagnostics, which limits the reach of programs that engage with marginalized populations. “Without billable CPT codes, at-home diagnostics cannot reach the people it helps most,” says Stein.
“Test Your Luck” Event
Ash co-sponsored theInnovator’s Reception and hosted a “test your luck” cabana with our client Mistr in the XS club on Monday night of HLTH. This event featured a roulette wheel visitors could spin to win prizes like a free at-home STI test kit, a donation to the Trevor Project, and a picture with one one of our Mistr models. We enjoyed chatting in the cabana with new friends and clients.
We are grateful for the opportunity to showcase our hard work on the Ash platform at HLTH 2023 in Las Vegas. We hope to see you all that HLTH 2024!
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